SEE Network Limited was established in 2004 under the Sustainable Development Fund. Over the years, SEE Network has expanded its scope of services to public engagement, research and consultant, community planning, writing and design.


(中文) 「社企你點睇?」咖啡座

(中文) 深水埗區樓宇更新大行動檢討分析:誠邀深水埗舊樓業主提供意見!

(中文) 誠徵義務工程師助拯救龍尾泥灘規劃申請

(中文) 回顧公屋發展──舊石硤尾邨民間歷史及舊物徵集

Made in Sham Shui Po! Exhibition Recap

Made in Sham Shui Po! Exhibition

(中文) 深水埗便民生活手工業工作者普查

Youth consultation on Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030


A Curious Case in City of Victoria map reading

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